Na een week zonder rugby, en met het vooruitzicht van rugbyloze periode tot ten minste 1 juni, beginnen de eerste ontwenningsverschijnselen al merkbaar te worden. Na de zoveelste rugbyklassieker op YouTube of RugbyPass te hebben teruggekeken, beginnen zelfs de voorwaartsen zin te krijgen in fitness. Hoe doe je dat zonder sportschool, zonder rugbyveld en zonder materiaal? In de eerste aflevering uit deze reeks laat Philip Jonker, aanvoerder van de Rotterdamse Studenten Rugby Club zien welk programma de havenstedelingen volgen.

De workout bestaat uit zeven oefeningen die geen sportmaterialen behoeven. Elke oefening bestaat uit 3-5 sets van ca. 10-20 herhalingen. Voor extra uitdaging kan geïmproviseerd worden met flessen water, pakken wasmidde, kratjes bier of flessen jenever. Tegen NSRB-beleid in is het programma in het Engels beschreven, zodat deze ook gedeeld kan worden met de internationale studenten van de NSRB-lidverenigingen.

1. Bulgarian split squat – Legs – 4 x 15-20 reps
This is like a lunge, but with your back leg elevated. Lay the foot of your back leg up a couch or a chair with the bottom of your foot facing up. Stand with your front foot flat on the ground with your knee right above your ankle. Keeping your upper body straight, bend the knee of your leading leg, lowering your body. Slowly return to the upright position.
Heavier option: grab a six pack of water bottles and hold that right in front

2. Side to side push ups – Chest – 4 x 8-12 reps
Start in a normal push up position, hands a little wider than shoulder width. Lower yourself, except in stead of straight down like a normal push up, you shift your body weight towards one hand. Say starting left, you’ll end up with the middle of your left pec muscle just above your left hand. This makes it heavier than a normal push up. Alternate each rep.

3. Table reverse rows – Back & core – 4 x 10-20 reps
Start laying on the ground, underneath a table. Grab the edge of the table with a pronated grip (palms facing your feet). Pull yourself up, only keeping your heels on the ground. Make sure to keep your body straight. Lower yourself slowly, keeping the core engaged.
Heavier: elevate your feet using a chair
Easier: keep your feet flat on the ground

4. Dolphin push ups – Shoulders, core, back – 4 x 15-20 reps
Start in a plank position, leaning on your elbows and toes. Push your fore arms into the ground, retracting your shoulders and lifting your butt upwards. You’ll end up in a triangle, with your butt up, legs straight and able to see your toes. Slowly return to the plank position.

5. Single leg dead lift – Back, legs – 4 x 10-20 reps
Stand on one leg, slightly bending the knee, standing up straight. Now bend over, while you let your other leg swing backwards. Reach for the floor, while keeping the back straight and shoulder blades retracted. Slowly return
Heavier option: hold the water bottles in the opposite hand of the leg you are standing on – so left leg, right hand.

6. Tricep dibs – Triceps, shoulders – 4 x 10-15 reps
Start by sitting on a chair or your bed (something of about knee hight), with your legs straight and feet on the ground. Put your palms next to your butt on the edge of the chair or bed. Move your butt forward so you’ll end up leaning on your palms and heels. Bend your elbows until around 90 degrees, lowering your butt. Push yourself up to the starting position.
Heavier options: put the water bottles on your legs and/or elevate your feet.

7. Back elevations – Back – 4 x 20-30 reps
Start by laying on your stomach, face down, having your feet facing outwards. Putt your hands on the back of your head like a hostage. Now contract your lower back, lifting your chest of the ground, while pushing your legs and feet into the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower your chest, without it fully touching the ground. Make sure to keep your lower back engaged throughout the whole set.

Op zoek naar meer? Op deze website zullen workouts geplaatst worden van verschillende studentenclubs. Daarnaast zijn er natuurlijk talloze rugbywebsites die soortgelijke thuisprogramma’s delen. Veel succes!